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Resize iFrame Responsive and Proportionally

If you are using HTML iFrame on your code you can get pretty annoyed dealing with your iframe height. Here you can get a really simple solution using CSS inline or external. Basically you need to put your iFrame inside a Div, and with CSS give them both properties. Here's the code The CSS .iframe-container { overflow: hidden; padding-top: 56.25%;/*(in this case I used 16:9 proportion 9÷16×100=56.25)*/ position: relative; } .iframe-container iframe { border: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; } The HTML <div class="iframe-container"> <iframe src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>

No Right Click

If you want to prevent a reader to right click on a photo you own and download it here you have a simple trick. On your post you have to add the following code onContextMenu="return false;" before finishing the HTML tag <img> Here you have an example: <img src="yourImageFileSource.gif" height="100" width="100" onContextMenu="return false;" /> In case you want, you can add an optional message as an alert <img src="yourImageFileSource.gif" height="100" width="100" onContextMenu="alert('This is the optional message');return false;" />

Set AutoCAD Drawing Language

I'm AutoCAD there's a command to set the drawing language you are working with in case you are doing annotations and the spell checker keeps telling you there's a mistake

Allow Fullscreen on an iFrame

I have to admit that my coding knowledge is very limited and today I learned a new (for me) simple trick to allow a video to toggle fullscreen when it's embedded into an iFrame. By default when you embedded a video into an iFrame you cannot toggle fullscreen, the button appears but it simply doesn't work. you just need to add a simple allowfullscreen setting after the Scoure URL and that's it! Here's a code example <iframe height="500" width="800" src="" allowfullscreen> Here's the code working (by the way, you have Joker online in case you want to watch it)


This is a really useful plugin I'm using in a WordPress site where I have lots of images Shortpixel improves website performance by reducing the image size. Resulted smaller images are no different in quality from the original. Here I leave a referral link, win-win

CleanMyMac 3.9

CleanMyMac, Your Mac. As good as new. CleanMyMac X is all-in-one package to optimize your Mac. It cleans megatons of junk and makes your computer run faster. Just like it did on day one. Download ›  CleanMyMac v3.9.dmg


The reason you'll love this SketchUp extension is because many times, drafting a model, you step by exploded arcs, with this plugin that is gone. Usage: Select the files you want to join Menu › Extensions › Weld Download ›  Weld.rbz

SketchUp Shortcuts

Here I'm sharing my personal shortcuts I use in SketchUp. Very useful when drafting. When you get use to them you can make models at half the time. You have 2 options, manually set one by one or just download the file, paste it and replace in your computer I recommend not to change the SketchUp presetted shortcuts, just get use to them. Download  ›  Shortcuts.plist Paste and replace in /Users/ YourUserName /Library/Application Support/SketchUp VersionNumber List of Shortcuts Space Tools / Select G Edit / MakeComponent... L Draw / Lines / Line T Tools / Tape Measure B Tools / Paint Bucket R Draw / Shapes / Rectangle C Draw / Shapes / Circle A Draw / Shapes / 2 Point Arc P Tools / Push/Pull M Tools / Move Q Tools / Rotate S Tools / Scale F Tools / Offset O Camera / Orbit Z Camera / Zoom ⇧Z Camera / Zoom Extents W Camera / Zoom Window E Tools / Eraser K View / Edge Style / Back Edg...

Get Dimensions

This extension is very useful when you are drafting your model and you quickly need the XYZ dimensions of anything (blocks, components, etc) in your SketchUp model. Download  ›  GetDimensions.rbz Install Preferences › Extensions › Install extension › Select the file you just downloaded › Follow the prompts and steps Usage  › Menu › Extension › Get Dimensions Shortcut › Alt + D